Happy Thanksgiving

Nov 23, 2018 / Amanda Chase, Horsesmouth Assistant Editor

Happy Thanksgiving from all the staff here at Horsesmouth. We hope that you, your families, and your clients have a wonderful holiday season. In honor of the holiday we are stepping away from retirement news to bring you former Senior Editor Nicole Coulter’s 10 tips for feeling more gratitude this holiday season:

  1. Look for the good each day
  2. Turn your job into your life’s work
  3. Stop asking people, “How are you?”
  4. Don’t rush through the day
  5. Fill other people’s buckets
  6. Imitate your heroes
  7. Tap into your ideal self
  8. Relish a childhood memory
  9. Keep a gratitude journal
  10. When someone asks you, “Got a minute?” give ’em 10

You can find the full article here.


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